
Crane lift supervisor responsibilities
Crane lift supervisor responsibilities

crane lift supervisor responsibilities crane lift supervisor responsibilities

Under the terms of a standard CPA Crane Hire agreement, the crane and the operator are the responsibility of the customer once the crane leaves the public highway in order to access a site. A maximum liability of £5 million in respect of loss or damage to third party property or death / injury to third party persons.A maxumum liability of £25,000 in respect of goods being lifted.Loss of or damage to third party property caused solely by the owner's negligence in the performance of the lifting contract subject to:.Loss or damage to plant/equipment caused soley by the owner's negligence in the performacne of the lifting contract.The Crane Owner is responsible for all aspects of the planning and execution of the lift and will be insured for the following: Under terms of a standard CPA Contract Lift, the crane/equipment, operator and all personnel supplied with the crane, (including the Appointed Person/Crane Supervisor) are the responsibility of the Crane Owner. View CPA Model Conditions and CPA Supplimentary Conditions.

Crane lift supervisor responsibilities